Quickly how to cure fungus toenails: effective tools

Fungus in the nails of the fingers of the feet is a disease, which is infectious in origin. In their training affects the pathogens that carry the name of epidermofitia. Getting fungi can, men and women, and completely at any age. Understand the presence of a fungal disease can be due to reasons such as itching, redness, changes in the structure of the nail. Rapid cure of the disease is difficult to say, but very real in house conditions.

the treatment of nail fungus

Effective medications

For a quick treatment of fungus on the toes of the feet, you can use anti-fungal medications pills. Their action is directed toward the removal of the infection, not only in the plots of their external manifestation, and in all tissues.

The composition of the drug contains ingredients which block the development of fungal, get rid of the fungus and activate the process of regeneration of healthy tissues.

Popular methods of

As a complement to drug therapy may apply folk remedies. Of course, this is not the panacea, but the recipes are simple are able to very quickly rid the man of unpleasant symptoms and can.

The iodine

Alcohol solution of iodine produces an antiseptic effect and disinfecting of influence. It has a direct impact on the fungi, eliminating it. Applying this tool it is only allowed as long as the lack of an allergic reaction.

You have to make 5% iodine to apply on the nail damaged. Do this procedure 2 times a day. Also iodine is worth the try healthy nails are as the prevention. The duration of therapy is from 20 to 30 days.

The garlic

This product is used in an active manner for the treatment of fungus on the toes of the feet. The most popular for the treatment of the way commissioning of nail fungus remedies is the application of tincture of alcohol in the garlic. To achieve this, it is necessary to take in equal proportion the alcohol and the slurry of garlic. Add a small amount of water.

Obtained the mass of distribute in the nail plate. You can use garlic to prepare the medicinal ointment. To do this, it is worth taking in the same amount of butter and pureed garlic. Apply the ointment to the nail before you go to the night to sleep.

The vinegar

To eliminate the fungi on the toes of the feet, you can use the vinegar, add the beginning. Just before the procedure necessarily straighten out the legs. Then, in a bowl place the 9% of acetic essence and water.

The solution should be warm, lower the feet and keep them there for about 15 minutes. After the routine of the feet to dry off with a towel. To make this kind of bathtubs you need every day for 2 weeks. Duration of therapy depends on the stage of the defeat by the fungus of the nails.

The hydrogen peroxide

the peroxide of hydrogen against fungi

This product is most famous for its properties that relieve the inflammation. Quickly to eliminate the fungus with the aid of hydrogen peroxide in the early stage of its development. Use the tool for the preparation of the solution for the warmer trays.

In a bowl pour the hot water, put 3% hydrogen peroxide. Lower the legs into the pelvis and keep it there for 15 minutes. After cleaning with a towel, do not wash with water.

The greater celandine

Quickly to cure fungus in the toe of the feet, you must manage affected nail plate of juice of celandine. Do this procedure every 6 hours. You can still prepare the mortar of the celandine. To do this, take 1.2 l of boiling water, 1 cup of leaves of the greater celandine.

Pour the leaves with water and wait an hour. Apply the received structure for bathtubs. Pass every 6 hours, and its duration is of 15 minutes. Duration of therapy depends on the degree of the disease.


For the effective preparation against fungi, you take a lemon, cut it in thin slices, and then zoom in to the affected nail plate. On top of lemon can be to put a piece of gauze, make a compress with the help of a bandage. To carry out this type of actions throughout a period of 12 days.


This product has bactericidal, bacteriostatic and fungicidal influence. Your application can be relieve the itching, inflammatory process, and speed up the healing process.

For the treatment of fungal worth the use of tampons soaked in 20% alcohol tincture of propolis. In case of regular use of propolis the sick nails depart, and all of the tissues to recover.

Characteristics of treatment of fungal toenails

If you want to get rid of run-infectious, in dermatology, there are several proven methods: the surgical treatment, the use of laser and medicine

Surgical route

Using the scalpel, you can remove the nail infected and partially manage the soft tissues. In addition, is assigned to medical therapy. The improvement comes immediately after that emerged a new plate.

This method is safe, but painful. After him, there is a long recovery period. Can have a variety of complications that manifest in the form of damage of the matrix and the formation of scar tissue in the epithelium of the epidermis.

The alternative to surgery fashion are suitable chemical compositions. You can dissolve affected of the plate without the use of surgery. The patient is able to relieve infected wounds surface by their own efforts.

The use of laser

To carry out this procedure is necessary in the hospital. The effect of the treatment is achieved thanks to the fact that the disputes are heated up to the temperature that it is able to destroy it. Using a laser can quickly remove the infection, if you are performing a coagulation of the vessels. The positive effect can be obtained from 4 visit of a technician. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Perform 1 time per month.

Before performing the manipulation of the nail cut and try of mortar against fungal infections. After a laser treatment can not worry about complications. The only drawback of this type of treatment is the high cost.

pills against the mold


The most popular way is the use of drugs. In this case, it will be necessary to simultaneously use the system, and local medications. Assign the necessary drugs capable of only one doctor.

Fungus in the toenails can be cured quickly only with the condition that the therapy is started directly in the first stage of its development. If the infection already for a long time the religion of the nail, what deal with this type of problem is more difficult. But not worth the bother, because even launched the flocks of fungi is the sentence, only the duration of the fungal treatment will be longer.